Helloo ^.^
I haven't been online much to post anything new, but for my last post, Tara asked me to do a tut so here it is. Please forgive my total noobness.

4 coats of China Glaze - Rain Storm on pinky and ring fingers. 3 coats of Icing - True Blue on middle and index fingers.

At this point, I smudged my pinky, so I added another coat (or two?) of Rain Storm to try to smooth it. To start my rainbow, I took a green striper (Absolute! Nail Art in Pine Green) and painted the middle and ring fingers like so. Don't worry about being a little messy as you can clean it up when you're done.

Here I took a blue striper (Art Club in Midnight Blue) and painted along the green on my middle finger.

At this point I was afraid of my camera battery dying, so I took less pics of the process, but I think you get the point. I took a yellow striper (Art Club in Rio de Oro) and painted along the green on my ring finger. Then I followed the blue on my middle finger with an indigo (Absolute! Nail Art in Royal Bleue).

I followed the yellow with an orange (Art Club in Dijon). I painted over the yellow a little bit 'cause I realized I didn't leave enough room for the red. On my middle finger, I followed the indigo with a violet (unnamed Q-Art Nail Paint).

Here I painted the red (Art Club in Red on Red), overlapping the orange a little. If you look closely, you might notice I added green glitter (Art Club in Green Glitter) to the green.

I decided to jump ahead and bling up the rest of the rainbow.
List of glitters used...
Red: Art Club in Red Glitter
Orange: ZN Nail Art (unnamed orange glitter)
Yellow: Art Club in Gold Glitter
Green: Art Club in Green Glitter
Blue: Art Club in Blue Glitter
Indigo: ZN Nail Art (unnamed charcoal glitter)
Violet: Hurricane Nail Art (unnamed magenta glitter)
As you can see, I didn't have indigo or violet glitter, so I just used what I had and I think it came out fine.

For my pinky, I took out Color Club in Sexy Siren, wiped a lot of excess glitter off the brush and swiped it across the nail. For my index, I used Wet n Wild French White Creme to dab on clouds. If you want them more uniform looking, Konad has a great cloud stamp on image plate m79. The ladies over at Polish or Perish are having a
great giveaway for followers that includes this image plate and tons of other goodies, so check it out! ^.^ Or if you don't want to wait for the contest to end on the 31st,
OCNailArt has a coupon out - get a free image plate of your choice with every $25+ order (add the image plate to your order and use the code "freedisk" - offer ends August 20th).

And finally I got out my Revlon Street Wear in Hologram, wiped off excess glitter and randomly applied them one/two at a time on the nail for a rain effect. I cleaned off my cuticles with a q-tip and some remover. Then I added top coat to all my nails and voila! ^.^
I'm still wearing this, by the way - I need all the bright and pretty rainbows and glitters right now. If you're sensitive about bug/insect (and death of) talk, you may want to stop reading now. My living room has been overtaken by a sudden infestation of house flies and I don't know where they're coming from! We've had rat problems in the building for a while now. And this past month, we've had a few flies, but not like this... This is disgusting and depressing. Thank goodness they seem to be gathering around the windows though, which also kinda sucks since it's my best light source for pictures - DOH! I managed to break the only fly swatter we had earlier today, so as I'm typing this up, my mom is on the hunt for some swatters and fly tape. I hope I haven't turned anyone away by this fly talk. Just thought I'd let you know what I've been dealing with these past couple of days. I'm itching to do some more designs though, so if worse comes to worst, then I'll just have to take pictures in the bathroom, my second best light source lol.
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by! ^.^