WARNING- I apologize in advance for my dry, raggedy cuticles/skin! I'm so bad about moisturizing. I hope it doesn't offend anyone too much! =X
Well, first off, I just want to say that Ocean Breeze doesn't look as frosty in person as it does in my pictures. This is 3 coats and it glows like whoa! It even looks different at certain angles. I'm not sure if this will work on all skin tones, but I think it’s super pretty.
In these pictures, I was trying to capture the awesome blue color that I see at this angle. Man, you need to see this baby in person 'cause my pics don't do it justice.
I think these pics show the glowiness better than the rest...
Everyone is probably reminded of different things, but to me, Ocean Breeze smells like air freshener. It's not something I love to smell, but for the color, I don't mind putting up with it. Hopefully the scent will fade soon. And if you're wondering, top coat didn't affect the scent for me.
Also, here’s a video I just watched: Taylor Swift – The Best Day. I’m a total cry baby ‘cause this video made me tear up a bit. =X All kinds of love makes a complete sap out of me!
So that's all I have for now. Thanks for stopping by!
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