For today's swatches, I've got pictures of NYX Blue Ave. (a flaky polish) over Wet n Wild Black Creme. I was racing against the sun and really just wanted to show you the NYX flakies so I did 1 coat of WnW Black for my base. There were bald spots, but I feel like I've done it no problem with 1 coat before.

I find that some people don’t like the NYX flakies and I can understand where they’re coming from. See, when flaky polishes just started getting popular, I went and got myself NYX Peach Ave, which was a MAJOR disappointment. The flakes were almost like pieces of foily paper that didn’t really smooth out on the nail. Ick. Not too long ago, I guess NYX took a hint and reformulated their flakes. I went to the beauty supply near my school where I got Peach Ave and saw the reformulated Blue Ave and Purple Ave so I picked those up. I was going to get Peach Ave too, but it still looked the same, oh well. Here are some pics.
1 coat

2 coats

3 coats

4 coats

Here’s a bottle shot of Peach Ave and Blue Ave.
Can you see the difference in the pic? You may notice that Peach Ave is not in the regular NYX bottle - that's 'cause I like the NYX brush and wanted to use it for something I like better. I'm not quite sure why I didn't just kick Peach Ave to the curb, but she's still here with an attitude saying "you're gonna want me back". Or maybe that's just the voice of the hoarder in me... Either way, I probably wouldn't repurchase any of the NYX flakies, but I guess they're still nice to have.
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by! ^.^
that is really too bad that they don't really look that fantastic. :/ I love WnW black creme though, so easy to work with and at 99 cents a bottle!
The only flakie I have is Hidden Treasure and so far it is the only one I need!
@AggiePigeon Hidden Treasure ooh la la :D I don't have it, but from the pics I've seen, it looks great over just about anything :D
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