So, last week, I went on a mad hunt looking for the new collection. I heard they were spotted at several Rite Aids, so I went to about six different Rite Aids and let me tell you, by the end of the day I was exhausted and had nothing to show for it. I thought I'd give it a little while before I hunted them down again.
Some time earlier this week (or was it last week?), I had won tickets for myself and a guest to see a screening of "Death At A Funeral" today. After waiting on line for an hour, my BF and I were told there was no more seating in the theater. -_- Extremely disappointed, I dragged my poor BF (who had work all day) to Sephora, Duane Reade, Walgreens, CVS, then finally to Rite Aid and guess what I found at the latter?! I am now the happy owner of these pretty babies...
From left to right: Ocean Breeze, Peach Smoothie, Orange Pop, Gum Drop, Grape Icy, Bubble Gum
Now, up close!
They were out of Cotton Candy (boo) and I decided not to get Beach 'cause I wasn't sure how it'd look with my Asian skin tone.
All in all, the night turned out just fine. Though, while at Rite Aid, my BF decided to test out his blood pressure with one of those machines they have in the pharmacy section. Turns out he has prehypertension which, according to wikipedia is "where a person's blood pressure is elevated above normal but not to the level considered to be hypertension (high blood pressure)". I tried it too and I was normal, but we've decided to watch what we eat and try to exercise more and hopefully we can get him back to normal too. Talk about Rite Aid to the rescue, huh?
And I have to make a shout out to my wonderful BF! He was a total soldier for going on the hunt with me, in his work clothes no less! I love that freakazoid. ^.^
Anyway, it's been a crazy day and it's getting late. I'll try to do some swatches tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!
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