
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Bundle Monster Plates Coming Soon!


I couldn't help but post about the new Bundle Monster plates that will be coming out in 4-5 weeks (end of April, early May). This will be right around my birthday too, so I know what I'll be getting myself! Hehehe!

Here are the first two pictures posted on Bundle Monster's Facebook.

**Edited to add**

Aren't they awesome?? I can't wait to see the rest of the plates!

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!



P H said...

I totally love these new images! I made a blog post too, I hope they don't mind us sharing the images, they are so cool! I especially love the owls! I can hardly wait to do a Owlicure! LOL! :D

Jen said...

Haha! An Owlicure, how cute!! Yeah, I love these images! This wait is going to be torture lol

spilledpolish said...

Hey, I found you through bundle monster's facebook page :)


Jen said...

Awesome, Maddy! Going to check out your blog too :)

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