I hope you're all well! I've been so exhausted lately. Just decided to call it a night (from work) and wanted to make a quick post. Although I haven't updated in a while, I do like to respond to anyone who comments. When I saw MissAdelinne's comment about nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award, I was beyond thrilled! This is my first award and I am so grateful for it! It reminds me of when I was in elementary school and got those pretty, shiny stars - WINNING! Hehehe.
This may sound silly, but I feel very touched by this, so thank you, MissAdelinne :)
So here are the rules...
1. Put the link to who gave you the award.
2. Put the award in your post.
3. Choose 5 blogs under 200 followers and give them the award.
4. Let them know that you have awarded them
And the award goes to....:
La Chinita
Meg's Manicures
My Nail Polish Addiction
Woman in the Garden
**Edited to add**
Nail Soup
Do check these blogs out! They're pretty awesome :)
That's all for now. My nails are a hot mess at the moment, but I have some pics I never got around to posting, so hopefully I can get those up soon. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Wow, thank you so much!
I am really happy and feel so honored!
I love your blog and you deserve it!! Have a nice day! :)
You're welcome Miu! You deserve more awards! :)
Thank you so much MissAdelinne! You are so sweet! I hope you have a nice day too!! :)
Thanks so much for adding my blog Jen, that's made my day today! So glad you won the award and that you've shared the blog love! :D
Oh I'm so glad! It totally made my day too! You deserve it! :)
Aw thank you so much! I'm thrilled! You're amazing and I love your blog!
Yay! And I love your blog too Megan! :)
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