Here to show you a request made by Sammersaurus aka The Nailasaurus! I was a bit nervous doing this mani because she is a master at stamping and I was afraid I'd disappoint. I'm 1000% sure she'd do this way better and I can only hope to reach her level someday (soon). Practice makes perfect right? And practice I will! So here is an image from the DRK-A plate (2nd row, 5-across).

I used Color Club Sweetpea for the base and Color Club Revvvolution for the stamping. I tried to center the image on my index finger while the rest of my nails have it off center. I think I prefer it off center. Which do you prefer?
Well, I don't know about you, but that was exciting for me! Thank you for the request! That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
The stamping looks great!!! it's like these nail tatoos... and it's SO clean!
Thank you! I thought it kind of looked like a nail sticker. Not sure if that's a good thing, but I like it anyway :) And it wasn't clean when I stamped lol. Had to do cleanup afterwards.
For me it looks perfect!
Awww thanks Miu! :)
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